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This anonymous poll is a way for you to let policy makers know what end of life options you would like to have available to you if you or your loved ones were suffering, and there was no chance of being cured. After you provide your answers to each item, you also will be asked to prove that you are not a computer. Let your voice be heard!
Possible answers for Questions A-D:
1) I would ask the doctor to make every effort to extend my life as long as possible.
2) I would ask for terminal care from hospice.
3) I would ask the doctor for a drug that I could take by mouth to allow me to die peacefully in my sleep.
4) I would ask the doctor to administer a drug to me intravenously to allow me to die peacefully in my sleep.
5) I would commit suicide with a gun. (Or for item D, below, I would bring him or her a gun.)
Possible answers for Questions A-D:
1) I would ask the doctor to make every effort to extend my life as long as possible.
2) I would ask for terminal care from hospice.
3) I would ask the doctor for a drug that I could take by mouth to allow me to die peacefully in my sleep.
4) I would ask the doctor to administer a drug to me intravenously to allow me to die peacefully in my sleep.
5) I would commit suicide with a gun. (Or for item D, below, I would bring him or her a gun.)